Tweet, chirrup, hoot and blah. Social Media training tailored to you.

Tweet, chirrup, hoot and blah. Social Media training tailored to you.

“You give away too many of your secrets”, was what my husband told me this week.

And, he’s probably right.

Introduction of next lesson to learn.  Where’s the fine line between simply “being friendly”, and “running a business”.

Case in point – people often ask me for “tips” to improve their social media followers, or for some thoughts on how to drive more traffic to their website.

The old Katy (and current one, in fact, that I’m trying to train out of my brain) would probably without a second breath, have launched into tips, ideas, suggestions – and even offering to do it all for them – spending countless evening hours studying, analysing, interrogating – coming out with a raft of ideas and suggestions – that most marketing companies would charge a small fortune for.

But that’s not what I’m going to do.

What I am going to do is train you how to do all of this yourself. And THAT I will charge for.

So, I’m pleased to introduce a new string to my cello, blossom to my bouquet and dribble to my wine glass (ok, that last one didn’t make sense).

If you’re looking to understand more about social media: How it works, how to use it, how to get more followers, how to be more effective etc etc etc – then why not book my time for a couple of hours, and I’ll share all that I know, with you.

“But everyone offers this… what’s the point?” – I’ll tell you what the point is… they probably don’t spend any time doing their homework on your business, on your position within the Social atmosphere – they probably read off of a sheet of crib notes and generic To Dos.  I aim to personalise. I will look at what you need, what you want to achieve – and then form a training package around what you need.

Besides – there’s absolutely NOTHING to be scared of. We’ll figure it out together – and find a solution that suits your business, and more importantly, your personality, perfectly.

Sound good?


Book me. I’d love to have a cup of tea with you and twitter!


About the Author

Katy Roberts administrator

Katy Roberts has over 15 years's experience in helping businesses amplify their brands, build their customer bases and engage effectively with audience communities in order to build relationship for long-term business success. Having left the corporate world and now working independently since 2015, Katy continues to help local and national businesses tell their story.

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