Never too old to learn a new trick!

Never too old to learn a new trick!

Buy My FaceSo, working with another company based in the South West, I attended and exhibited at Marketing Week Live 2012. Had the fortunate pleasure of meeting two young guys who have inspired me since I first heard about their story. Ross and Ed started out as most uni students do – with a humungus worry about how they would ever pay their student loan back.

Their story goes like this:
(borrowed from their site

“Picture two financially crippled university students. Having lived like metaphorical kings for the last three years, they are sucker punched by the cruel hard fist of the real world™. Now, scared, desperate and confused, they do what they swore they never would, and begin selling their bodies to anyone willing to pay.
Now, throw some paint into the mix and you get BuyMyFace! For the next year, we (Ross & Ed) are selling advertising space on our faces to pay off our student debt, and demonstrate that, with a bit of creativity and a twinkle in your eye, you can beat the current job climate.
For the next 366 days, our faces are your faces. Buy a day, upload an image (or text), and we’ll display it on our faces for the whole world to see.”

My student loan has been paid off for years. I’m in a profession that I love and that is challenging, day after day. I think I know a lot about stuff, but the moment I heard about these two young guys, I was renewed with excitement at the fact that there simply is, STILL, so much more to try, and to create!

So fancy my amazement when, at Marketing Week Live 2012, Ross and Ed came and had a chat with me about their next adventures. They’re enthusiastic, good, down-to-earth, wholesome lads who just have a need to pay a bit of debt, and have come up with a brilliant way to do it. Only a few more days left of their 366 day target, with just under £3k to raise.
I wish you guys all the luck and success!
Read more about what they’re doing, here. or contact them on Twitter at @BuyMyFace.

About the Author

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Katy Roberts has over 15 years's experience in helping businesses amplify their brands, build their customer bases and engage effectively with audience communities in order to build relationship for long-term business success. Having left the corporate world and now working independently since 2015, Katy continues to help local and national businesses tell their story.

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